
"Life is to be Enjoyed not Endured"

I am a Healthy Happy Life lover and I believe that starts at home and your belly so this is a place to share great and easy scratch recipes, some inspirational stories, and great life tips!


*If you are interested in receiving more personal tips and coaching please email me! Jenn at jawoolstenhulme@gmail.com*

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Have some Fun Live a Little!!!

"Life is to be Enjoyed not Endured"

Take time to be silly, its healing. Take time to laugh, it will add years to your life. Take time to act like a kid, you only live once.  We take so much time to work, to stress, to do school work, etc. You deserve to take a break, take time to have fun! Do something silly!!! You do not want to take years off you life by being over stressed and over worked. You definitely do not want to look back at your life and see times that you did not spend goofing around, laughing, and having fun! LIVE, LIVE NOW!

This is me... We have been working a lot with our catering company Berrilicious. My husband and I have always been silly people. I am lucky enough to have someone that  keeps me laughing and encourages me to act like a kid every once in awhile! This is at my in laws condo and yes I took the time to surf down the hall ways! It was Classic. We laughed, I got a work out, I eliminated stress, and we made a great memory!

Some thing as little as this can do a whole lot! Live, Laugh, and be Silly!! Find something to do like roll down a hill, jump on a trampoline, or do a cannon ball at the pool. I encourage you do to something like that "like a kid" once a week or even a month! I promise it will be very healing!

Healthy Life is a Happy Life

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