
"Life is to be Enjoyed not Endured"

I am a Healthy Happy Life lover and I believe that starts at home and your belly so this is a place to share great and easy scratch recipes, some inspirational stories, and great life tips!


*If you are interested in receiving more personal tips and coaching please email me! Jenn at jawoolstenhulme@gmail.com*

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Your Mottoe?

Don't you just love a great quote? Something that helps inspire you and makes you feel great! Sometimes you are lucky to find ones that you need in your life!? This is my most recent.

My husband and I were married young and with that came lots of sacrifice. Lots of jobs we hated, lots of time apart, lots of schooling, and never having any money. We chose that! Yes, it is hard and sometimes really hard. Now I am not someone who has a lot of wants but being this poor it’s hard to even budget needs. The best part of all of this is the example we are setting for our children and for the growth that we are blessed to have. One day we are going to look back at now and say WOW we did it! I am so grateful for that! We have high ambitious dreams and always have! The great part is we keep powering through so we may achieve those dreams, and I know one day we will! Then it will all be more than worth it!!

I encourage you to take time to find mottoes to find quotes and inspirational stories to help guide you through the bad and the good! It helps! It helps remind you that we are all human and we all struggle at times! If there is a will there is a way! Make your goals and start guiding your life to achieve them! Then it will lead you to your Healthy Happy Life!

Have a Healthy Happy Day!

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